Unbearable Failure Read online

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  “The Arians aren’t humans.”

  “Don’t patronize me, Agent Malloy. The byproduct could prove just as deadly to the Arians. I need to run more tests to see if it would stabilize. Perhaps you can retrieve a sample of their water supply, and I could perform additional tests as I conduct my research.”

  Anger flared in his eyes. “There isn’t time for that. Women are dying.”

  She wasn’t going to be intimidated by a bureaucrat and risk Grandpappy’s life. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin high. “Rushing into medical research is never wise, Agent Malloy. Emotions only cloud the issue. If the women take an experimental drug and their immune system isn’t strong enough, it could prove fatal. I won’t take that risk on a human or an Arian.”

  “Where is your formula?”

  She lifted her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you planning on taking it by force?”

  “Dr. Rotella, the Arians are desperate.”

  “Desperation leads to foolish mistakes.”

  Agent Malloy lifted his collar that she hadn’t even noticed had a microphone. “Vaughn, she isn’t going for it.”

  She gasped. Blood rushed through her system, making her break out in tingles. “You mean the same man who sprayed some sort of gas in my face at the hospital and I passed out? That Vaughn?” She couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice.

  Agent Malloy raised his eyebrow, then straightened his tie. “Yes, that Vaughn. He’s coming.”

  “Here?” Sandra glanced in the mirror. She looked dreadful. Her face was pale and sweaty, her eyes bloodshot, and strands of hair escaped from her ponytail.

  Someone opened the door. Her heart quickened, and she could feel her pulse in her throat. She couldn’t swallow.

  Vaughn walked into the lab with his older brother, Captain Tash. Tash was taller and ruggedly handsome with his hair falling over his shoulders and his square chin. He always had reminded her of a warrior prince from a romance novel.

  But he wasn’t the one who excited her. She couldn’t take her eyes off Vaughn. He had developed a dark shadow along his jawline, and his hair had gotten a little longer. He was more handsome, more daring, more tempting, than she remembered.

  “Hello, Sandra. Frank.” His husky tone made her legs shake.

  She found her voice. “Vaughn.”

  “We need the formula.” Tash was direct as always.

  “As I told Agent Malloy, the formula isn’t stable, and I have only duplicated it once. I need to do more research.”

  “Do you remember how?” Vaughn asked softly.


  “If you gave me the formula…” He edged toward her. “I can replicate it. Our facilities are superior to these, and I may be able to stabilize it.”

  “I’m sorry it’s impossible. I didn’t write it down.”

  “You didn’t?” His shocked voice made her wince.

  “No, my stepfather…”

  “What does he have to do with this?” Tash narrowed his eyes and his voice was more of a growl.

  “He’s head of the department,” Agent Malloy interjected.

  “As I was saying.” She met Tash’s heated gaze. “I have had to memorize my formulas because when he has found them in the past, he has claimed them as his.”

  Agent Malloy gritted his teeth. “He’s just full of surprises, isn’t he?”

  Vaughn edged closer. “The formula’s not written down anywhere.”

  She glanced at her iPad. “No, I have some sketchy notes on my iPad that only I could decipher, but otherwise, I have it stored in my head. I have a photographic memory. Like I was telling Agent Malloy, if you give me a sample of your water, I can retest it to see if I can stabilize the byproduct.”

  “Then she needs to come with us.” Tash glanced at Vaughn as if she weren’t there.

  “No. I’m sorry I can’t. My Grandpappy is really sick.” The look in each of their eyes was determined, predatory, merciless. She took a step back. “I have to save him.” Her voice faded into a whisper.

  The memory of Hector Savaged flashed into her mind. She’d been his prisoner for two days, two days too many. The horror, the terror, the agony rolled up into a ball of fear and lodged into her throat. Being kidnapped wasn’t an option.

  The three men surrounded her.

  “No, please. Don’t do this. Not again.” But her pleas fell on deaf ears.

  She backed up against a science table with no way for escape. Her heart thumped tick-tick-tick-tick, ready to explode. Sweat broke out all over her. She gasped to breathe, but the air had gotten thinner. She fumbled on the table, hunting for a weapon.


  But the station was clean.

  She glanced at the clock. It was well past seven o’clock on Friday night. No one else was in the building. “Stay away from me. Or I’ll scream.”

  “I hate to do this to you.” Vaughn’s voice was full of regret.

  But she didn’t believe him.

  He edged toward her, leaving a gap between him and Agent Malloy.

  She put her hands up. “Vaughn, no. You don’t understand. Grandpappy’s dying.”

  But he refused to listen.

  Determination flooded through her tense muscles. She took a deep breath and put her feet shoulder apart, then bent her front knee and pushed her leg back. Hoping to catch him off guard, she threw a straight punch into Vaughn’s bladder.

  He grunted and she didn’t wait for a second chance.


  Her heartbeat spiked and energy whizzed through her. She bolted as fast as she could, pumping her arms and legs, and focused on the doorway that was only five feet away…three feet away….one foot away…

  A strong hand grabbed her arm.

  She elbowed him as hard as she could in the ribs, but he didn’t release her.

  “No! No! No!” With each word, she beat on Vaughn’s arm and kicked his shins.

  He sprayed her with the same disinfectant-smelling gas that he had in the hospital in Frisco, and she collapsed into his strong arms. The last thing she remembered was him saying, “I’m sorry, Sandra, but you gave me no choice.”

  Chapter 3

  Vaughn stared at his mate who was stretched out on his bed in his quarters. His mouth went dry. The tie in her hair had fallen out. Her blond hair was like a silky fan across the white pillow. Her breasts rose up and down as she inhaled and exhaled. Despite the white lab coat and baggy sweatshirt, she couldn’t hide her luscious body that he hadn’t stopped dreaming about since he had been to Earth.

  She should be in sickbay, not here, not where he struggled to control his damn bear from claiming her.

  But after his dad had noticed the green star on her wrist, he’d insisted it was his responsibility to take care of Sandra––especially when he’d learned that Vaughn had sprayed her with ragon gas.


  Not that Vaughn had a choice.

  He had to admit he was surprised at her determination to escape. She’d fought like a warrior.

  She definitely had a fire in her belly––a will to survive.

  She moved and lifted her hand. “Oh, God, my aching head.”

  His throat tightened. He couldn’t take his gaze off the sparkling green star on her wrist, the same one that was on his.

  She scrambled to sit. “Oh, shit. Where are my glasses?”

  He jumped, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. Adrenaline shook his body. He knocked into his desk, spinning his computer around and sending his notebook flying onto the floor. Her beautiful lavender eyes looked at him accusingly.

  “There on the night table next to your bed.” His voice was laden with guilt.

  She fumbled to put on her glasses and her face was pale. “Where am I?” Panic echoed in her voice.

  He picked up his notebook, eager to do something so he didn’t have to face her. “You’re on board the Intrepid.”

  She put her hand over her glistening forehe
ad. “Oh God, not again.” Her eyes were huge, and her lower lip trembled.

  She reminded him of a frightened doe. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  Her face turned pale. “Men say that but it’s a lie. So, if I don’t do what you want, are you going to torture me?”

  He gasped. “What? No, never.”

  “Just to let you know, I’ll fight with every breath in me.” Her steely gaze left him totally unnerved, and his guilt burned his throat.

  “I realize that Sandra. I had no idea you could fight.”

  “Being kidnapped changes your life.”

  Vaughn winced. “I’m sorry.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Am I supposed to believe you? Just another male excuse.”

  “I’m not a man. Arians cherish our women. We do anything to satisfy our ma––I mean our women’s desire.” His gnarled gut was stormier than her eyes. He almost said mate. She didn’t do well with being kidnapped, but telling her she was his mate, and she couldn’t go home, made him a schmell.

  Her eyes darkened. “Oh, really? You didn’t give a shit about what I told you about my Grandpappy.”

  He winced. “No, I do care, but my race is dying, Sandra. What would you have done in my place?”

  She rolled up into a sitting position and rubbed her temples. Anger glinted in her eyes. “I wouldn’t resort to kidnapping someone––ever. No matter what. It’s not right.” Her voice shook with venom.

  He lowered his gaze not able to face her. “I’m sorry about your headache.”

  She dropped her arms. “Are you? Because it seems like whenever I don’t do what you want, you spray me with your knock-out gas.”

  He slumped in his chair and rubbed his forehead. “If there had been any other way…”

  She rolled her eyes. “Spare me. You’re not the first person to kidnap me.”

  His eyes widened. “I’m not?”

  “No. You’re not.”

  “Who kidnapped you?”

  “I thought you knew. Hector Savage.” Her voice was low as if saying his name struck terror in her heart.

  The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He stilled. “You mean Skye’s stalker?”

  Skye Carr was a rock singer and a security bear’s mate on Earth. Hector Savage definitely had a sadistic streak.

  “Yes.” Her eyes had a faraway look.

  He went to put his arms around her.

  She put her palms up. “Don’t. Stop.”

  He reluctantly pressed his arms against his side, wishing he could comfort her. “Sandra, I know you’re worried about your Grandpappy, but maybe you could find a cure here on the Intrepid or Aria? Our facilities are superior to Earth’s.”

  She frowned, but it slowly turned into a smile. He liked how it brightened her face and eased the fear and anger in her beautiful eyes.

  “You really think so?” Her eagerness eased a little of his guilt.

  He smiled. “I hope so. Like your Grandpappy, we’re putting all of our hope in you.”

  Her excitement died. She looked down at her wringing hands. “That’s not good. You know none of my experiments have been successful.”

  “If they weren’t successful, then your stepfather wouldn’t have stolen them.”

  She played with the fringe around a hole in her jeans. “Maybe. But sometimes I think he just did it to hurt me.”

  He frowned. “You two have always been at odds?”

  “I don’t want to talk about him.” A shadow fell across her face and her low voice turned sad. She lowered her head and wrapped her arms tight around her. It reminded him of when Tash was remembering Sutois. There was a story there––one he vowed to unearth.

  Agent Frank Malloy had hinted about their relationship in the laboratory, but he didn’t have time to follow up, since he and Tash had to get out there as fast as they could.

  “Sandra, would you like to see the ship?”

  She lifted her head and tears glistened in her eyes, but she immediately blinked them away. “Yes, I would.”

  His bear growled. Her stepfather had hurt her, and he doubted it was just because of stolen formulas.

  “Shall we?” He stretched out his hand and held his breath, afraid of rejection.

  She stared at his hand, then put her small one in his.

  He exhaled.

  One tiny victory.

  He led her toward the door.

  She looked around the room. “You don’t believe in decorating, do you?”

  He saw his stark room though her eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “You only have a bed, a desk, and a computer. I don’t even see a dresser or closet. Where are your clothes?”

  “Let me show you.” He touched the wall. Immediately, a dresser emerged.

  “Oh, my gosh.” She gasped. “It’s like magic.”

  He laughed. “No, it’s technology. My room actually has two dressers and a walk-in closet. And a full-size bathroom with a tub and shower big enough for a bear.”

  “Really? Can I see it?”

  “Open bathroom door.”

  Another door slid open on the opposite side of the bed.

  Sandra released his hand and rushed inside. “This is like something out of a magazine.” She ran her hand over his black and white bathroom vanity. “Is this marble?”

  He was glad he’d cleaned the vanity earlier. The chrome faucets glistened, and the towels were neatly folded in the built-in wooden shelves.

  “It’s similar to your Earth’s marble. It’s called rabble. Rabble is stronger than marble and resistant to claw marks.”

  She frowned. “Claw marks?” Her eyes widened. “You mean when you’re a bear?”

  “Yes. We like to take baths.”

  “You weren’t kidding? Your tub is big enough for eight people to sit comfortably.”

  He shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a big bear.”

  “I love your shower. So, that’s rabble in there too?” She opened the sparkling glass doors.

  “Yes. When you turn on the shower, it resembles a waterfall.”

  She closed the doors. “Wow, talk about luxurious.”

  “Your shower––”

  “Is pathetic. I live in a one bedroom one-bathroom apartment. My paycheck leaves a lot to be desired.”

  “But your stepfather and mother––”

  “Control how much I get paid.”

  “You don’t seem happy working at the university.”

  “I’m a scientist, Vaughn.” She pushed on her glasses. “It’s all I’ve dreamed about. I want to help people like my Grandpappy and now, your people. I’ve just never really been given a chance.”

  “Until now.”

  She flashed him a fragile smile. “I appreciate you believing in me, but what if my mother wasn’t trying to sabotage me…what if she was trying to protect me?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  She sighed. “I’ve never been as smart as she was and maybe…”

  He clasped her hand. “Sandra, did she tell you that?”

  “No, it’s true. I took an IQ test and my score wasn’t as high as hers or my stepfather.”


  She brushed passed him. “I don’t want to talk about my parents or my career. You said you would show me the ship.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Just let me freshen up.”

  “Sure. Just say door open.”

  “Thank you.”

  The door shut. He heard soft noises inside.

  Something happened to her. Something bad. Something that hadn’t healed.

  Sandra definitely had some hidden secrets. And what did he do? He kidnapped her against her will.

  The door slid open. Blood surged through him, pooling between his legs. His eyes nearly popped out of his head.

  Stay in control.

  Sandra had redone her hair into a soft braid that emphasized her eyes. God, she was beautiful.

  “Are you ready?” She wiped
her hands on her thighs as if she were nervous.

  All he could think about was kissing her sweet lips. “You look amazing.”

  Her cheeks turned red. “Hardly, I just braided my hair and splashed water on to my face.”

  “Believe me you do.”

  He followed her, but kept his paws to himself. “Door open.”

  “Interesting,” she muttered.

  The corridor was busy with crewmen and women heading for their duties. Tash ran a tight ship and Arians didn’t dawdle.

  Sandra was shorter and more petite than the Arian women who were taller and more muscular. But then again, she wasn’t a bear.

  “We’re on the second deck of the Intrepid which is the officer’s living quarters. “

  “So, that’s why you have such a large bathroom.”

  He shrugged. “Rank does have its privilege. I moved from enlisted to officer.”

  She put her palm on one of the walls. “I don’t see any doors.”

  “Each door is voice activated. It’s part of our security system.”

  She dropped her hand. “Even the enlisted decks?”

  “Of course.”

  “I could have used that as a kid.” Her voice was so low he wasn’t sure he heard right.

  “What did you say?”

  “Never mind.” She glanced at him. “How many decks are there?”

  “There’s a total of ten decks. First deck is the bridge. Third and fourth deck are the enlisted living quarters. Fifth and sixth are the mess hall and recreation decks. Seventh is the science and medical labs. Engineering and weapons are on the eighth floor. Cargo and storage are nine and our shuttle crafts are on level ten.”

  She put her hands behind her back. “That’s a lot to take in. Obviously, we don’t have anything like that on Earth.”

  “We have over five hundred crewmen and women on this ship. But believe it or not, the Intrepid is considered on the small side. The Zalarians––”

  She frowned. “Who?”

  “The Dragons. Their ships are twice as big as ours.”

  “There are dragon shifters?”

  He laughed. “We’re all part of the Confederation. I know humans think that they’re the only ones in the universe, but they’re wrong.”