Eye of the Tiger: Paranormal Dating Agency Page 5
She put her hand on his chest. “I am not your mate.”
He clasped her hand, then slowly kissed her palm. “Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not. I’m not going to be like Caterina and be changed into a tiger, only to be treated like shit.” Her voice quivered with anger.
“I get it. I’m not Miles. Do you think Connor and Theron treat Tally like Miles does Caterina?”
“No, but they’re wolves. You’re tigers.”
“So you think all tigers are like Miles?”
Confusion flickered in her eyes. “Well… yes.”
“I’m a tiger. The women in my family are worshipped. Miles is a jerk. If it takes the rest of my life, I’ll prove it to you. The first thing I would do is make up for what happened to you at prom. I should have challenged Miles. I’ll never give up trying to show you that I’m worthy of your love.”
She pulled on her trembling hand. “Release my hand.”
“I would never hurt you. Never would insult you.” He gently pulled her toward him. “You would be my queen, and I would be your knight.”
“You wouldn’t want to be my king?”
He kissed her briefly on the lips. “No, I wouldn’t want to lead you. I’d want to serve you, worship you.”
She scowled, but the crease in her brow softened. Confusion flittered in her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he was getting through to her, and the frost surrounding her heart was melting.
Chapter 6
Time stood still for Cora. People walked past them on the street and cars zoomed by, but it was as if she were alone with her tiger in shining armor. Cora stared into Seth’s tiger eyes. Her heart beat fiercely, pumping blood through her like a roaring river. Every nerve tensed. Her hungry body reacted with fire, wanting him kissing, licking, and worshipping her, but her mind stepped in.
No! Don’t trust him. Remember prom.
He bent his head and before she could tell him to stop, he brushed his lips against hers.
Pull away!
But it was as if she were under a spell. She leaned closer and his kiss deepened. He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to his hard body. She could scarcely breathe.
“I want you,” he whispered in her ear as he nuzzled against her neck.
“I should be getting to Lara’s. I promised I’d help her…”
He ran his hand down her arm. “Do what?”
The slight caresses made her shiver. All she could think about was what he’d done with his hands last night, how he’d driven her insane with desire. “I can’t.” She panted. “Remember.”
“When are you supposed to meet her?”
She glanced at the Arvada City Bank’s clock. “In an hour.” She reluctantly pulled away. “We don’t have time…”
“Yes, we do.” He snatched her hand and pulled her down the street. Her boots barely touched the sidewalk.
“Seth, where are we going?”
“Someplace private.”
He headed toward a narrow alley. The Arvada library was on one side, and the telephone company on the other. A couple of cars and a truck were parked in the lot.
He stopped suddenly.
She ran into him.
They were alone.
“Why did you stop?”
He didn’t answer and maneuvered her to the back of the library where there was a large oak, a huge lilac brush, and green grass. High brick walls were on either side of them, but no windows.
“We can’t do it here.”
“Yes, we can.” He pushed her up against the tree, his thumb brushing over her breast. Her nipples budded beneath his touch.
He lowered his head and kissed her collar bone, then he laid a trail of hot kisses down to her breast. He rolled her shirt up then he clasped his mouth on her nipple that pushed against the bra. He sucked hard. She melted forward. Instead of pushing him, she laced her fingers through his thick hair. He obliged by sucking harder until she made soft sounds in the back of her throat.
He slipped his hand underneath her skirt and cupped her underwear. The gentle clasp sent shivers down her trembling thighs. He rubbed her clit, stimulating an unbearable need. Her panties were wet. God, she’d never done anything so forbidden, so hot. An orgasm formed on the horizon. She would have fallen in a heap if he hadn’t pressed her against the tree.
“Spread your legs.”
She looked around, expecting the police or a reporter from Channel Nine News to jump out of the bushes. “Someone will see.”
“No, they can’t.” He lifted his head and grinned. “Besides if someone tries to come back here, I can smell them.” He smiled. “Your pussy’s wet.” He stuck a finger inside her, nearly driving her mad. “You want this.”
“You’re serious?” Her head was spinning. She couldn’t believe she was going to let him take her behind the library like a harlot.
She’d always been prim and proper, never taking any risks. Caterina had been the wild one.
“Yes. You’re as hot as I am. You want me deep inside you. Admit it.”
The surface of Cora’s skin tingled. She should scream no, but she squirmed against him, feeling his erection pushing against her thigh. He pulled down her underwear and inserted two fingers inside her, while his thumb continued to rub her clit.
She gasped. “Seth. We can’t… do… this.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Are you sure you want me to stop?” He swirled his fingers around inside her.
A gush of pleasure flooded through her, but she wanted more, so much more. Throwing caution to the wind, she murmured. “No, damn you. No.”
He laughed. “Good. Being bad feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Just kiss me.”
He granted her request. His tongue plunged into her parted lips, then in one swift jerk, she heard the rip of her panties.
Her eyes widened. Oh, crap. She really was going to do this. In one masterful move, he yanked down his pants and the next thing she knew, he thrust his cock deep inside her. Despite how big he was, she stretched easily, her walls clasping him tightly.
He lifted his hips and slammed against her again and again. She matched his rhythm thrust for thrust. The forbidden exhibition intensified the desire inside her. The pleasure shattered inside her. She lifted her legs and locked them around his pounding hips. His cock grew harder, sliding against her walls, igniting a friction that made her shudder again and again.
The intensity was raw and rough and ruthless. The bark of the tree scraped her ass, but the throbbing pain only made the pleasure sweet, sinful, and scandalous. A breeze blew and she inhaled the fragrance of lilac and wood, but mostly she breathed in his jungle scent. It was filled with power and desire. An orgasm swept over her, blasting her into a fast release. She screamed, but his kiss cut off her noise. She dug her nails into his shoulder to hang on.
With one long plunge, he embedded his cock deep inside her core, spilling his hot seed.
He trembled and she ran her hands down his back, marveling that he was quaking as badly as she was. He was supposed to be a tough tiger, but he was shaking like a new kitten.
He leaned his forehead against hers, breathing hard.
She shuddered. “I don’t… know what happened.” He was still pulsing inside her.
He lifted his head up. “I do. You’re my mate. Once mates have sex, they can’t keep their hands off each other.”
She studied his face. He was serious. Dead serious. Her banging heartbeat rang in her ears. Tingles swept up the back of her neck and across her face like a hot shadow. God, what had she just gotten herself into? She frowned. “Really? Because I don’t see Miles and Caterina acting this way. Besides, he said she wasn’t his mate.”
“Miles is a liar. He doesn’t treat her right in public, but if anyone made a move on Caterina, you would see something different.”
“But Caterina doesn’t seem happy. She hasn’t for a long time.”
He shrugged. “You don�
�t know what happens behind closed doors.”
“Maybe.” She didn’t want to end up like Caterina – a shifter and miserable.
Cora’s phone rang and she jumped. Reality sunk deep into her. What she had done? How she lost all inhibition? “Seth, I gotta go.”
“I know.” He pulled out of her then and smoothed her crumpled skirt down.
He zipped his pants up. He looked normal while her thighs were sticky, and a breeze ran up her legs, blowing on her pussy. Her torn purple panties were on the grass next to her red purse. She grabbed her purse and stuffed the panties inside.
Her phone buzzed again. She fumbled in her purse and yanked it out. “Hello?”
“Cora, where are you? You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.”
Lara’s voice reminded her of her mother’s when she’d come home past curfew.
Fucking behind the library like a horny teenager.
She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. I lost track of time.”
Understatement of the year.
“When can you get here?” Lara’s you’re-in-trouble tone made her wince.
Seth bent his head and nuzzled her neck. Her breath quickened and she shivered with anticipation.
No, this wasn’t right. Not the time. Get a hold of yourself.
Before he could capture her, Cora scooted around the tree. “I’m on my way. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.”
“You’d better,” she mumbled.
Cora stuffed her phone back into her purse with her hand trembling. “I have to go. Lara’s really pissed I’m late.”
“When were you supposed to be there?”
“Fifteen minutes ago.” She hurried away from the tree, afraid people would suspect what they’d been doing.
Seth easily caught up with her. “What are you doing?”
She stared straight ahead, not wanting to fall under his jungle spell again. “I gotta go.”
“Don’t you need a ride?”
She stopped. “Yes, I do.”
He stuck his thumb out. “My bike is parked across from the library.”
He headed toward the alley.
She refused to go down the path and tilted her chin up. “I’m going around.”
“Okay,” he mumbled as he walked alongside her.
Neither of them said a word. His bike was parked in the lot across the street. He took her sweaty hand and held it firmly. She almost yanked it away, but she liked his strength and how protective he was of her. But she didn’t know if she could trust him. The only experience she had with dating a shifter had been Miles.
He helped her onto the bike and she grimaced at the hot seat on her inner thighs.
He scowled. “Everything okay?”
Yeah, just burning my pussy off.
She forced a smile. “No, I’m fine.”
“Where’s Lara live?”
“On sixty-eighth and Ward. She’s got a townhome. It’s 17560.”
“Sixty-eighth and Ward it is.”
He climbed onto the bike and kick-started it. She wrapped her arms around his waist like she had last time.
He was so strong and his smell made her want him to take her again and again. The bike snarled like a hungry tiger. He steered it out of the lot.
Even though he wasn’t driving fast, the ride was exhilarating. Wind blew in her hair. She liked feeling his heartbeat against hers –– like they were one with the bike.
She could grow to love this, but as they drove by an Italian diner, her smile faded. Her lunch twisted in her gut and a sudden onset of nausea hit her. Italian food was Caterina’s favorite, but she rarely got to go. Miles hated Italian so they never ate it, except when he was forced to go to Mother’s.
Was this what she had to look forward to? Not even going out to her favorite restaurant? Great sex didn’t mean she wanted a lifetime of servitude.
After the reunion, she’d leave Seth and return to her beloved home in Frisco. She never should have let Lara talk her into helping with this stupid reunion.
He slowed down, then pulled into Lara’s driveway. The motor died like a tiger falling sleep. Lara peeked through the blinds, then closed them. She opened the front door and stepped out. Her red hair was pulled back, and her tortoise glasses framed her big blue eyes. Cora thought she’d be shooting darts at her, but she had a big stupid smile on her face.
Seth hopped off the bike, then lifted Cora as if she weighed nothing.
“Hi guys!” Lana winked at Cora. “I didn’t realize this was why you were late.” She walked over to Seth. “Hey Seth, how are you doing?” She reached up to him and gave him a friendly hug.
“Fine,” he said. “Just working at the shop.”
“Been busy?”
He squared his shoulders back. “Yeah, I actually have.”
“Good. You should see his shop, Cora. It’s really nice.”
“Okay, I’m here.” Cora ran her fingers through her tangled hair. “What do you want me to do?”
“Lots.” Lara pushed her thumb toward her townhome. “Seth, do you have time to come inside?”
Cora blurted, “No, he doesn’t. He has to get back to the shop.” Her voice was a little too loud and little too heated.
Seth and Lara glanced at each other.
Seth hooked his thumbs into his jean pockets. “Yeah, I should probably be getting back.” He tilted his head toward Lara’s townhome. “Is this where you’re staying?”
She edged away from him, fighting the urge to fling her arms around his neck and kiss him goodbye. “Just until tomorrow, then I’m going back home. I won’t be back until the reunion.” Her pussy was still wet and achy from him filling and satisfying her.
His blonde hair brushed across his handsome face. He nodded. “I’ll be seeing you. Soon.” He straddled his bike and it roared, silencing any feeble protest she could make. He backed out of the driveway and zoomed down the street.
Lara put her hands on her hips. “Well that was rude, Cora.”
Heat gushed over Cora’s cheeks. “I know, but you don’t understand.”
“How did you…” Her eyes widened. “Wait a minute. Seth’s the one Gerri Wilder fixed you up with, isn’t he?”
“Yes, but she got it wrong. I shouldn’t be with him.” She headed toward the house.
Lara trotted alongside her. “Why? Seth’s gorgeous, and he’s a super nice guy.”
“Now he is, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stay that way.”
She ushered Cora inside. “Okay. You got me. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sit down and I’ll tell you what happened, then you’ll understand.” Cora flopped onto Lara’s red leather overstuffed couch that always swallowed her up.
Lara headed toward her double-wide refrigerator. “First, do you want something to drink?”
“A beer would be great.”
“That bad, huh?”
Cora crossed her legs tightly. She didn’t want to be Basic Instinct’s Sharon Stone, flashing her pussy.
Lara handed her an ice-cold beer, then slid into her matching recliner. “So talk. Why are you trying to give Seth the cold shoulder?”
Cora took a long drink, then put the beer down on a coaster. “Because he says I’m his mate.”
Lara choked on her beer, her eyes watering. “What? Are you serious?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“I’m sorry.” Lara put her fingers over her mouth. “I still don’t see what the problem is. Now you don’t like shifters?”
Cora shook her head. “No, that’s not it at all. It’s because of Caterina.”
“You’re not making sense. What does your sister have to do with this? She’s married to the asshole.”
“Precisely. I don’t want to be her.” Cora quickly explained what happened over the last thirty-six hours that had turned her world into Days of Our Lives drama.
Lara listened attentively, sipping her beer.
When Cora finished, Lara put her beer down. “So, you want to ditch Seth who gave you the best earth-shattering sex of your life, because you think all tiger-shifters are like Miles?”
Cora squirmed in her seat. “Well, yeah.”
“But you don’t have any proof.”
“Actually, I do. Caterina’s my sister and Miles is my brother-in-law. I’ve seen them in action, and that’s not what I want.”
Lara tilted her beer toward her. “He’s the only shifter you know.” Her condescending tone made Cora second-guess herself, something she wasn’t prepared to do.
She sat taller in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “I know some shifters.”
“Knowing them, and being friends or lovers with them, are two different things.” She put her empty bottle on her coaster. “There’s only way to settle this.”
Cora frowned. “How?”
Lara’s eyes brightened. “Call Gerri Wilder.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Because Lara, she’s not going to admit that shifters are dominating assholes. If she did, her business would go in the toilet. Now do you have stuff for me to do for the reunion or not? Otherwise, I’m going to go home.”
“And retreat back into your sanctuary,” Lara said softly.
“You got it, baby.”
Lara shook her head. “I think you’re making a huge assumption and an even bigger mistake.”
No, the biggest mistake she could make was losing her heart to Seth. She’d done it one other time with one tiger-shifter, she wasn’t about to lose her heart to another.
Chapter 7
Seth walked into his small home and sprawled out on the couch. Today had been a long day at the shop. After lunch and seducing Cora, he’d been behind at work.
Not good.
He needed to make at least a thousand dollars a day to make Miles’ loan, but he’d come up short today.
He cracked his neck. Cora’s scent still lingered in his home, and he inhaled deeply. Her fragrance definitely took the edge off. His stomach growled, and he wanted dinner. No, be honest. He wanted someone to make him dinner.
Someone knocked at the door. He groaned. God, please don’t let it be Miles or he wouldn’t be responsible for what happened next.