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“Angels cannot intervene?” she whispered.
He forced himself to face his angel-mate. “Yes.”
She chewed her lip and lifted her chin. She ran her hand over his bicep. He shivered and an aching desire rippled through him to kiss her deeply. “You can reverse it?”
He half smiled. “I invented it, didn’t I?”
His silver eyes swirling, Raphael stared at Ringmaster, warning him not to leave. “I’ll be back with your new assignment. Don’t. Leave.” He vanished.
Ringmaster whirled around. “Where the hell did he go?”
Poison walked around the room. “Who knows? All the archangels come and go as they please. You never know when they will appear.”
Ringmaster folded his arm across his chest. “Now what do we do?”
Poison cast him a wicked a look. “I vote we look for a bedroom. Unless of course…”
Ringmaster unfolded his arms. His heart pumped at her teasing words and sultry eyes. He grew hard again, just thinking of taking her. She ran up the stairs, and he darted across the room to follow. He wanted to knead her bare ass.
Torches lit the stairwell and cast dark shadows on the walls. He chased her shadow running around the circular walls. He felt like Wendy chasing Peter Pan. How had his role become so reversed?
She laughed. “My, my, I didn’t know wizards were so slow.” She stood at the top of the stairs, winked, and darted around the wall.
Climbing two stairs at a time, he growled. “No, we’re not.” Like he knew whether a wizard was fast or slow.
He raced up the stairs, her sweet scent stirring his hunger. When he rounded the corner, she was gone.
“Can’t you find me?”
He looked around. “Show yourself.”
“Ah, that’s right, you can’t see me.” A hand caressed his cheek.
He jerked. “Stop your games, minx.”
She giggled, and then soft lips kissed his pursued ones. He wrapped his arms around a pliable invisible body. He inhaled the same intoxicating fragrance that set his blood on fire. “I’ve got you now.”
Poison reappeared. She pressed her breasts against him and ran her hands through his hair. “Yes, you do.”
He maneuvered her against the wall, and he pushed her lips apart with his tongue. Her kiss was hot, and moist, and her eagerness flamed his desire.
He eased his hand under her shirt, then gazed at her magnificent breasts, her nipples budded, his for the taking. She sucked in her breath. He rolled his thumb over one nipple, and she gasped. Her soft skin felt like silk. He lowered his head, and he took her nipple into his mouth, sucking greedily.
Poison arched her back. With each moan, he obliged her by teasing, licking, and kissing until she trembled. He was rewarded with her calling out his name. He’d never tire of her cries of passion.
She twisted her fingers into his hair. He pushed his erection hard against his pants. He wanted her more than he had any other female. What was it about this angel?
“Take me now,” she pleaded.
Something in the sultry voice turned Ringmaster’s bones to mush and his flesh to steel. He lifted his head. “What?” He wasn’t entirely sure he’d heard right, but as she gently pushed him away, he watched as she shed her boots, pants, and underwear.
She spread her muscular legs apart. “I want you to take me hard. To burn it into my mind so every time I look at this stairwell, I think of you.”
With her shirt still pressed high over her breasts and her naked body glistening in the torchlight, he’d never seen such an erotic female. She was lush and ripe, demanding he take her in way that sent his blood pounding and his erection tighter against his clothes, threatening to burst through.
“As you insist, my devilish angel.” He kicked off his boots, and they clumped down the stairs.
His hands shaking, he tore off his pants and flung them aside.
Poison watched him hungrily. Desire shone in those silver eyes. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He stopped in front of her. Her ragged breath betrayed her need for him. She toyed and played with one of her breasts, while the other hand skimmed down her stomach. She sucked in her breath. “Please.”
“No, not yet,” he whispered.
He entered one finger into her tangle of soft blond curls and slid into her heat. She clung to his shoulders as he explored her folds and probed deeper, her thighs tightening around his intrusion. Her wetness fired up his appetite.
She leaned back. “Ringmaster.”
When her hand clasped around his erection, he stiffened. She squeezed and imprisoned him there as her finger caressed his engorged head until the pressure neared a dangerous eruption.
“Poison,” he warned. “I can’t…”
“Then don’t.”
He moved her hand, and his other hand widened her legs. Eager for the feel of her, he lifted her hips and settled her on his hard flesh, slowly entering her slick entrance, her tiny muscles clenching around him. He staggered for a second at the intensity of sensations running through him, but by mere strength he minimized the climax. She wrapped her toned legs around his hips and locked her ankles, bringing him closer. Bending his knees, he lost the battle and slammed his hips into her, penetrating her deeper than he thought possible. She trembled and cried out, but her legs remained locked.
He hesitated. “God, did…”
“Shut up. Do it again.”
He braced his hand on the wall as he thrust his hips again and again. Poison met his fierceness with the same fervor, and he didn’t know where he ended and she began. They were one. His heart beat harder and harder, sending blood thundering between his ears. He closed his eyes as the passion spread to every pore, and his intensity increased. He wanted to fill her with his seed and couldn’t hold back.
Poison threw her head back and cried out, her orgasm exploding, her sweet juices coating him. Her tiny spasms and quivers rocked his mind. Each time she came, she dug her nails into his shoulders. Luscious pain. He leaned his head against the crook of her neck, his chest heaving against hers as he tried to catch a ragged breath. Her sweet fragrance intensified with the musk of their lovemaking.
Ringmaster didn’t care if they stayed there forever. Nothing mattered, not Raphael, not Balthazar, nor heaven or hell. All he cared about was being locked with his tempting angel…He gasped as he heard her laughter.
He looked down at her. “I’m sorry. Did I miss something?” This had been the best sex of his life, and she thought it was funny?
Panting, she caressed his hot cheek. “I think we just rocked heaven and hell.”
He half smiled. “I thought I heard trumpets blaring.”
“Trumpets?” She rubbed her foot down his thigh, and he quivered.
Her hair damp and her skin sleek, he loved her, his bewitching temptress. “You belong to me, angel.”
She kissed him lightly on the mouth. “Yes, you’re mine, angel-mate.”
Dear Reader
I’m delighted you decided to read Deception. This is the second book in the Angels of Death. I got the idea after I saw a three D-painting on Facebook. It was a mural in smoking room, and smokers looked like they were standing in a grave and staring up at their own funeral. What if the angel of death showed them their own funeral? Would they stop using?
I love to hear from readers. I am on all the social media sites, (Facebook, twitter@m_mlguida and Good Reads). I respond to emails, Facebook posts and tweets, so don't hesitate to contact me. If you’d like to contact me, you can reach me on my website or you can follow me my blog
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M.L. Guida
Cupid, Angels of Death, Excerpt
Lethal followed his target to a wide open meadow in the Colorado Rockies. The moonlight played peek-a-boo through the clouds overhead. Cora landed and flattened her wings. The wind blew her long red hair, shielding her face. She looked nervously over her shoulder as if someone was watching her, but she wouldn’t see him. He was cloaked and hiding behind a thicket of aspen trees. She was a lower angel and didn’t have the power to detect assassins.
“Balthazar,” she called. “Are you here? I have the information you need. I found out what angel possesses the hidden power you need.”
What hidden power? Michael hadn’t said anything about this, but then his boss, the archangel, wasn’t known for spilling all the information on assignments. He only shared what he wanted his assassins to know.
She looked around the meadow, waiting for her lover.
How could she withstand the stench of that black-hearted demon? Balthazar had no heart and would have only spoken lies of love, but it must have been strong enough to sway the little Angel of Love.
A sense of regret over what he was about to do filled Lethal, but she was a traitor, and traitors received no mercy. Michael had given him strict orders that she was to die swiftly.
Balthazar flashed into the meadow next to her. As always, the demon was shirtless and wore his leather pants and boots. He’d seduced many humans with his rock star persona, but it was a trick that lured the innocent down a dark path. “You called, beautiful?”
She ran into his arms and kissed him. She whispered something into his ear, but Lethal couldn’t hear what she said. With assassin speed, he darted through the trees to hear her betrayal.
Balthazar nuzzled her throat and held her close.
Her fingers ran through Balthazar’s long hair. “Is that the information you needed?”
Balthazar scanned the forest. “Were you followed?”
She shook her head. “No, why?”
“I sense a veiled power.”
She whirled around, her eyes wide, and stood closer. “Is assassin?”
Her voice shook. She should be scared, damn scared.
Balthazar grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. “Whisper the name of the angel—”
Before he could finish, Lethal held out his palm, and Holy Fire shot out of his hand, whipping and crackling over the field.
“Shit! It’s Lethal!” Balthazar cried.
Cora screamed and tried to fly into the air, but the blue flame circled around her, immobilizing her and sending her into convulsions.
Balthazar released her and shook his smoking hand. “Damn you, Lethal.”
Lethal flew onto the field. “Go now, Balthazar, before I give you another ugly sting.” He unleashed his sword, Judgment.
Wariness flared in Balthazar’s eyes, and he edged away, not once trying to free Cora—the coward. Lethal didn’t have the power to kill him—only Michael possessed that power—but he could send him back to hell in a body cast.
“Balthazar, help me.”
“Tell me what I want to know.”
Cora struggled to move her mouth, and a hiss fell out. “Bo...”
Her voice faded.
Lethal frowned. He didn’t know an angel named Bo. He knew all of them by heart. Michael branded their names on each assassin’s heart so if the angel fell they’d be able to track them. Knowing their names aided the assassin in tracking down rogue angels, but was there a hidden one? One Michael hadn’t told him about? You never knew with Michael. He possessed secrets galore.
“Tell me again.” Balthazar stepped closer.
Cora opened her mouth again, but her words died in her throat. Lethal thrust his sword into her back, piercing her heart. She screamed and died, her body impaled on his sword.
“You bastard!” Balthazar yelled.
“What did you promise her?” Lethal yanked Judgment out of Cora’s lifeless body.
She collapsed on the field. Terror reflected in her huge eyes. He hated having to kill her. He always wished there was another way, but she soon would have become a fallen angel, a demon, putting humans and angels alike in danger. The curled feathers of her wings formed a circle around her, and her face turned ashen. Her soul was gone forever.
Balthazar edged away, far from Lethal’s sword. “I swear to you I will avenge her.”
Lethal aimed his bloody weapon at him. “You didn’t even try to save her. Why do you care about her? You’re not exactly the loving type.”
“I don’t have to justify myself to you, Assassin, but beware of this: I’ll repay your dastardly deed by killing your angel-mate.”
Fear slammed into Lethal’s heart. Cupid—he’d never let Balthazar near her. “I don’t have an angel-mate.”
Balthazar laughed. “Fool. Yes, you do. Cora told me many secrets, and I know about the Book of Love. Your name’s in there.”
“All angels’ names are written in there.”
“Yes, but I happen to know that you’ll be mated soon. If you don’t mate, you’ll fade, grow weak. And become vulnerable.” He tilted his head toward Cora’s corpse. “I’ll avenge her death. First, I’ll kill your mate, then kill you.”
He stalked Balthazar. “I’m an assassin. You don’t have the power to kill me.”
“We will see, dear boy. Don’t turn your back.”
Lethal lunged, but the crafty demon disappeared. Lethal’s heart pumped searing energy through his veins. He clutched his sword tight. Balthazar would never touch Cupid. No matter how much Lethal wanted her, as long as he ignored her, she’d be safe.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Deception, Angels of Death: © 2016 M.L. Guida
Cover design © Viola Estrella
All rights reserved. Where such permission is sufficient, the author grants right to strip any DRM which may be applied to this work.
Issued 2016